Thursday, May 17, 2012

What is meant to be will be???

I can't help but wonder why certain people come and go in our lives... and will we ever find out why?
There are some people, like your close friends that you have grown up with that you know where placed in your life to help you grow, to have your back, to wipe your tears and share your laughter. These people I believe God placed in my life to make me a better person, to show me what real love for another person is like, to know compassion and true happiness. The same goes for family, they are the automatic support system in every way, the people that will never turn and walk away from you. But then there are other people, like a boyfriend who you think you will spend forever with, but then out of nowhere, that person is just a memory. Or someone that you meet for a brief moment, maybe just in passing, or maybe someone you only get to know for a short while. In that time, they make an impact on your life... and before you know it, its time to say goodbye, and they too just become a memory. So how is it that God decides who remains in our lives and who doesn't? I understand and want to believe that God has a plan for my life... but sometimes it's just so confusing. I wish I could read his mind every once and a while, it would definitely help to clarify a few things. How do you know when to just let it be... or to take things into your own hands and see what happens.

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