Monday, November 19, 2012

30 Days of Gratitude: Part 4

I have not been very consistent with my gratitude posts, but I will bust out 30 like I said. And it does not imply that I lack things to be thankful for in my life because I have plently blessings... Friends being one of the greatest, so today, I am thankful for: My friends!

What would a girl do without her friends? She would have nobody to call and ask about the simple things like what to wear out that night, or what reply to send after the cute guy she met texts her the next day. Who would she have to tell about her life's drama to, or all the exciting things happening in her life. More imporantly, the shoulder to cry on and endless patience for the long nights of chatting about a broken heart. My best friend means the world to me and my life without her would be a life I have no desire to be a part of. She has picked me up every single time I have been down. She is always with my struggling through my stuggles and sharing with me in my joy. She always has the right words to say and never judges me for the mistakes I make. She truly is my better half and I am so thankful and blessed to be able to call her my best friend. I look up to her and respect her more than she will ever know, I just hope I am as good of a friend to her as she is to me.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

30 Days of Gratitude: Part 3

Today I am thankful for: Jackson, my precious year old nephew. He makes me smile EVERY SINGLE DAY! I look forward to his cuddles, his kisses and laughing with him. I love watching this tiny person walk up to me when I come in the room and then when he stretches his arms out to pick him up, my whole heart just sings! Watching him grow up has been a complete joy, seeing his personality form is something I am so grateful to witness. I cannot wait until he can call me Aunty, it happens to be one of my favorite words!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

30 days of Gratitude: Day 2

Today I am thankful for: WATER! It is the small things you take for granted, for all of North America, water is an easy accessible resource. As simple as turning on our taps. Forget walking miles and miles under the hot sun, or carrying this water in your hands, or on a bicycle. We walk to our kitchens and bathrooms and don't even think twice about how blessed we are to have running water in our homes. Having a shower, washing dishes and many other daily activities would not be so simple without the luxury that running water truly is. So yes, today I am very much thankful for water.

Friday, November 2, 2012

30 Days of Gratitude: Part 1

There is this blog that I love. I read it every morning and become rather bummed when there is no new post. It’s called hopes and dreams. She talks about everything from her family, her Mormon beliefs and how much she loves her baby (very cute baby I might add). She has started doing 30 days of gratitude post every day, so I decided it would be nice to do the same. So here it goes...
Today I am thankful for: My job. I know people say they love going to work and they love what they do. I agree that that statement can be true. But not every day is a perfect work day, and I have realized that a lot lately. I drag my butt to work, sometimes wishing I didn’t have to come back here again. BUT, then I remember that there are people in my very own city, in my family for that matter that are struggling to find a job. People who would be so grateful to have a reason to get up in the morning, to have that security in knowing a pay check is coming at the end of the month. My company is great and they do so much for their employees. So I have my grumpy days, but even on those days, I can see that God has blessed me with a great job and I couldn’t be more thankful.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Curiosity Killed the Cat... Or Maybe Not

As far as I am concerned, being friends with an ex is a bad idea, yet I remained friends with mine after both relationships. I get why people want to because it is exactly why I wanted to. I didn't want it to be over. I wanted to hold on, in the hopes of getting back together. I didn't want to feel that lonely feeling that comes with a break-up, and even if they weren't who you wanted them to be in your life, at least they were still in it. In my case, my first boyfriend was my best friend first. He actually dated my other friend before we dated (that is a whole different blog entry to come). So we dated off and on for a long time, and during an off time we continued to act as though we were dating. Then an afternoon that started out as a great day ended with my best friend and at that time, love of my life driving out of my life forever. That sucked BIG TIME! This time was not like the other fights. He didn't call to say I am sorry. He didn't drive back to my house to make up with me. He was gone for real. It took me a LONG time to get over and accept that painful reality, but eventually I did and in perfect timing, in walks Mr.Right (or so I thought for a while). We met on a trip to Cuba. To make a long story short, he lived in a different province and we decided to date long distance. We both hated that so before you know it up, up and away I went on a plane to move my entire life for the boy I wouldnt have guessed would break my heart. I moved back home after 6 months because he was moving away for University and I didnt want to stay there alone. A month after returning home I got that dreadful phone call telling me we were done. But it didnt stop there because I continued to talk to him for an entire YEAR after that.

With boyfriend number one, I had no curiosity as to how his life was or what he was doing because there were people in our circle of friends that still ran into him here and there and I would get the update as to what was going on. But with boyfriend number 2, I had no clue because he was across the country. So to this day, I am curious as to what life is like for him. I hate that I wonder because it has been nearly 2 years since we last spoke. Oddly enough, one of my very close friends is dating his best friend so no matter what, boyfriend number 2 will always be somehow tangled into my life. A wedding is most definitely in the future for my friend and his, so the inevitable run in is happening sooner or later. Hopefully later when I am well established in my life because I am almost certain he will be. So it's normal to be curious about an ex right? But the thing is, as curious as I am I am almost scared of what I might find out. Is he engaged... dating the new love of his life? Does he think about me.. and if he does are they good thoughts? I would hope. They say curiosity killed the cat, but in my case, I am afraid the curiosity would make the cat cry.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

My Angel

Growing up my Dad was not a big part of my life (as far as I can remember at least). He was in and out of our lives a lot. In my heart, and knowing his heart, I know he didn't stay away because he didn't love us, I think it was because he was lost in his own life and didn't know where he belonged. But he found his way back. The memories I have of my Dad are few and far between, and the ones I do remember are not all good ones. Regardless my Dad made a HUGE comeback, and my life without him these days would not be complete. It was when I was around 15 that my Dad had a more permanent role in my life. And as I have continued to grow up, he has been involved in my life, learning about me and taking the time to stay in touch with me. I appreciate that more than my words could ever express. It truly is the little things in life that matter most because a phone call from my Dad calling just to see how my new job is going means more to me than an hour long phone call about this and that. Or he calls because he is worried about another trip I am going on, or something that I am taking part in that worries him. He calls just to make sure I am okay. I believe my dad is my angel here on earth. When nobody else knows I am upset, he does. He can sense it in my voice. I remember one time I was suffering from a broken heart. I was trying not to let it show, and went about my day as usual. And I was walking past him, and he asked what was wrong and I said nothing, but still, he knew that my heart was hurting. It goes that way with all my sisters, if any of us are going through something, he somehow senses it and calls one of us to make sure the other one is okay. If I had to describe to someone what unconditional love was, I would tell them it was the love that my Dad has for me. My Dad has gone through hell and back and then some, but his life today is proof of the oustanding, strong, and resilient  man that he is and I am so happy and blessed that God has had his back this entire time, because if my Dad did not have God in his heart, I do not believe he would be where he is today. So thank you Lord, for taking care of my Dad, for being his light in his darkest of days, for loving him unconditionally and for blessing us by allowing him to be our father here on earth.

Friday, June 22, 2012

The Kind of Love People Write Fairytales About.

I have had the pleasure (no pun intended) of reading "Fifty Shades of Grey" over the past 3 days. It was everything I was told it would be. It had me laughing, guessing, hoping... and of course it goes without saying... if you know this book is written for a mature audience. What was unexpected was the beginning of the second book. The tears that welled up in my eyes. Without going into detail in fear of spoiling this amazingly written novel, I must say it has gotten me thinking about love. Think of Edward and Bella. That unconditional, heart racing, passionate, could not imagine your life without them kind of love. The love that spins you into a world of your own where nobody else exists ... all consuming, never ending, true love. Is that not what every girl dreams of, hopes for, and deserves? I have often wondered if love is enough. In different points of my life, I have hoped and prayed that it would be, and other times, it has proven not to be. Being the hopeless romantic that I am, I would like to go forward in my life believing that love really is enough. Love can do crazy things... it can make you move across the country if means never having to be a day without that special someone. The love of someone special can heal a broken heart, even if that special person was the one who broke it. It can make you hold on for years and years of waiting knowing that in the end, you get to have your happy ever after. True love can make you change your entire life, sometimes even what you believe in order to spend all your days to come with that person. I feel like this Christian Grey... this man that only exists on the pages of this book has opened my eyes to the love that I miss, to the love that I cannot wait to find again.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Anywhere But Here

Whenever I come home from a trip, I always get a case of the "Post Trip Blues". You get off the plane, jump in the car and drive back into reality. Monday morning comes and it's time to go back to work. But instead of getting up and starting my day with my usual routine, I sit up in bed and think to myself..."This time yesterday I was laying on the beach sun tanning". Then lunch time rolls around and you think "This time a couple days ago I was swimming in the ocean or having a drink poolside". This usually lasts for about a week, and then I am finally settled and ready to accept that this is infact, my real life... no more paradise. This time around though, has proven to be a bit different. I cannot seem to shake these blues. I want to be where the sun is almost always shining, I want to wake up and look out my window and see the ocean. I want to stand outside and feel the warmth from the sun kiss my cheeks. I want to live in a place where flip flops can be worn no matter what time of year it is. I want to walk to the ocean in the evening, with a cool breeze and just sit and listen to the waves crashing. Paradise does not have to be a once a year thing... why can't it become my every day life? The travel bug has bitten, and this time, the itch won't go away.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover

"Don't judge a book by its cover". How many times have we heard this? More importantly, how many times have we heard this, but ignore the importance behind what it truly means? I myself can admit that I am guilty on numberous accounts of judging before getting to know someone, judging what someone is wearing, what someone says. I have told myself many times that I am going to work on my judgmental ways.. and even up until last night I sat there and commented on a person's haircut and choice of clothing. Every person is unique and beautiful in their own way, so I am in no position to judge that.

I recently returned home from a trip to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. What an amazing place, filled with beautiful people. I had the best time. Not only are the staff outstanding, but the friends I met along the way made my vacation that much better. The reason that I write this entry is because of 2 people I met at my resort. Both from Chile, these guys were great. To make a long story short, a friend I was traveling with nick named one of my new friends by his appearance. And another did the same because of a movie they saw with Chilean guys as the villians. Stereo types SUCK. I was the only person in my group of 14 to have the great joy of talking with these guys, hanging out and learning Spanish (a true love of mine BTW). So when my friends from home would make comments and say things, it not only offended me, but I instantly became defensive because it bothered me a lot that they had formed an opinion about these guys without talking to them, and basing their opinions on a story that was overheard. The point behind this whole "Don't judge a book by its cover" is that forming an opinion, or believing in a stereo type before actually getting to know a person is simple... Don't do it. People deserve the benefit of the doubt and from here on out, I am going to be mindfull of my rejudgments against people. Jesus loves us all no matter what, so I am going to take a pointer from him and try my best to love others as he does.

I am left with the feeling of missing these great guys, and I only had 6 days with them. Carpe Diem was a phrase that I taught one of them... and on the last night, we did exactly just that, we ceased the night and well into the morning sunrise and it was one of the greatest nights I have had.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

What is meant to be will be???

I can't help but wonder why certain people come and go in our lives... and will we ever find out why?
There are some people, like your close friends that you have grown up with that you know where placed in your life to help you grow, to have your back, to wipe your tears and share your laughter. These people I believe God placed in my life to make me a better person, to show me what real love for another person is like, to know compassion and true happiness. The same goes for family, they are the automatic support system in every way, the people that will never turn and walk away from you. But then there are other people, like a boyfriend who you think you will spend forever with, but then out of nowhere, that person is just a memory. Or someone that you meet for a brief moment, maybe just in passing, or maybe someone you only get to know for a short while. In that time, they make an impact on your life... and before you know it, its time to say goodbye, and they too just become a memory. So how is it that God decides who remains in our lives and who doesn't? I understand and want to believe that God has a plan for my life... but sometimes it's just so confusing. I wish I could read his mind every once and a while, it would definitely help to clarify a few things. How do you know when to just let it be... or to take things into your own hands and see what happens.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A New Place To Call Home??

One Tree Hill, Dawson's Creek, The Notebook, Dear John and The Last Song, not only some of my favorites, but all of these TV shows and movies were filmed in North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia. The lush green landscape and cozy moss lined oaks just call my name. Some part of me, a large part of me can see myself spending a summer working at a horse stable, living the most simple life possible. Waking up with the sun, running along a long gravel road, or even better, the ocean. Drinking ice tea on a porch swing at night enjoying a good novel, with nothing but the sounds of crickets and the wind blowing through the leaves as my playlist. Walking to the market to pick up my fresh produce, attending a local state fair or festival. All these things make my heart sing.

I have lived in the same city for 24 years, minus the 6 months I moved to Ontario, but that hardly counts. What a refreshing change it would be to escape the hustle and bustle of a loud, dirty and crowded city, and trade it in for warm evening breezes, afternoon naps in a hammock and good ole southern hospitality. As I was watching the movie "The Lucky One" the other night, I found myself with the desire to have a big country home, equipped with wooden stairs, a cozy living room with a fireplace, a porch that wraps around the entire house, and a swinging door, got to have the swinging door. Rather than watching TV in the evenings, I would go on a nice long walk or find an oak tree to claim as my writing spot and journal. Instead of waking up and getting dressed up for the office, I would wash my face, throw on a t-shirt, cut offs and rubber boots and be out the door. Instead of going out for expensive dinner's, I would invite friends over for a BBQ and drink cold beer. That to me is simplicity at it's best, and what a dream come true it would be for this to become my life, even it if just for a summer.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Boy oh Boy... Literally.

There comes a time, or maybe a few sporatic times, when a single gal is just ready to lose that title. She is ready to move on from the bar randoms, the guys she gave her number out to when she really didnt want to and even more the guys she wanted to and never heard from. She is over the getting dressed up just a little more than usual... cause you never know who you might meet. She is done being the girl who is jealous of the cute couple holding hands through the mall. She is so over being that "girl you have to meet" to all her friends that are in relationships. As much as its apprecaited, it doesnt always feel great to be the girl who is continuously set up with the wrong guys. She wants love. She wants to be somebodies last thought before they fall asleep. She wants to light up when she sees a missed call from him. She wants to have someone pick her when ladies night is over, and laugh at her silly comments after one too many glasses of vino. The only guy she needs in her life is the one who proves he needs her in his. Dont get me wrong, there are plenty of things to love about the single life, just as there are about being in a relationship, but at the end of the day, a girl just really wants someone special to come home to> As a single girl, the hope of someone eventually coming along is just not enough.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Nicky Freeman

As I was completing my nightly ab routine, I came across a show on TLC called "My 40 Year Old Son". It reflected the lives of 2 people who suffer from an unknown condition that causes them to age very slowly. They age 1 year in every 4. Nicky Freeman is a 40 year old man trapped in the body of a 10 year old boy. Something about the way he was, how innocent and precious he is just made my heart melt. Nicky is blind and cannot talk. He spoke the usual words you learn when you are just beginning to talk around the age of one, like Mommy and Daddy... but soon after that, he never spoke a word again. There was a particular segment of the show were Nicky was listening to music and dancing, I wanted to jump off the floor and into the T.V to give Nicky a giant hug. I wonder if he knows what is happening to him. Is his mind like a 10 year olds? Because he cannot talk, we have no idea of knowing the capacity that his brain has. Either way, I believe that he knows how loved he is and how to love in return. Nicky, his Mother Kayleen and younger brother Llyod, take a trip to Florida all the way from Australia to see a doctor who thinks that he can help the family get some answers as to why Nicky is the way he is. They discovered that Nicky's pituitary glad is not in the correct place, and that is why his body is aging at a slow pace. After all is said and done in Florida, its time to go back home, and as Kayleen thanks the doctor for FINALLY giving her some much needed answers and closure, its Nicky's turn to say goodbye to the doctor. So Nicky slowly walks up to the doctor, he grabs Nicky's hand and instead, Nicky sits on the doctors lap and rests his head on his shoulder for a nice, long hug. That moment brought tears me my eyes because Nicky cannot speak the words "Thank you", he has to show you, and I believe that is more important than the words themselves.

Watching this show made me think about my life, and the most simple things that I take for granted everyday. Being able to walk, see, talk. Things that my body just naturally does, like age. Some might not consider that a good thing, but in Nicky's case, that is all his family wished for, was for him to be the way that most people are as they grow. How many times have you said as you are holding a newborn in your arms..."I just want you to stay this little forever"? I know I have, and for Kayleen, she wished the complete opposite. I need to start ackowledging the blessings I have in my life and in my health. So many people in the world are suffering from threatning diseases, losing loved ones because of them and so many other things that I could not even imagine let alone actually having to deal with them in my own life. Thank you Lord, for all my blessing, and I pray that from here on out, I will not take these blessings for granted and I pray that you heal the broken, bless those who are sick with great health and continue to see us through any struggles we may encounter. Amen!

Monday, April 9, 2012

"I make my own sunshine"

Simple things make me happy. Like a commercial I saw that had an amazing song to accompany it. Its called "Sunshine" by Alyssa Bonagura.

"It don't matter if it's raining, nothing can phase me, I make my own sunshine". I instantly fell in love with those words and it holds so true to my own life. I like to believe that I am a very optimistic person, and even more, I would love for that quality to rub off onto those around me. I know optimism does not come wasy, but it's not impossible.

My best friend lives by this saying.... "Things turn our best for those who make the best of the way things turn out". Enough said right?

I want everything that I believe, everything that I say and do to reflect OneLove.

"The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones that do"

Friday, March 30, 2012

"Drunk on you and high on summer time"

Summer time is my absolute favorite time of year. There is not one single thing I dislike about that time of year... maybe one, when it ends. I love wearing flips flops and summer dresses. Waking up and going outside when the air is fresh and the sun is warm on my face. Wearing sunglasses and drinking cocktails on a patio, enjoying camping, country music, rafting and of course STAMPEDE! I look forward to this time of year more than anything, including my birthday and Christmas. One great thing that summer can bring, is summer love. Meeting someone on a trip, and dreading the end of summer because it means your time together has ended... or if you are lucky enough, it's just beginning. New love is so exciting. That Notebook, Ally and Noah kind of love. Having butterflies fluttering in your tummy knowing that he is pulling up to your house, excited to hold his hand and be proud to show everyone that he is with you. Doing special things for each other, like sending flowers... just cause. Or surprising him with a pair of tickets to the game. Time together feels so good... you never want the day to end so you stay up late into the night talking, with the occasional make out sesh as well. You look forward to each and every moment spent together. You become that couple that single people are jealous of. That is what I hope to find this summer. I miss being in love, I miss having someone to make me feel special, someone who is so proud to call me his girl. 2012 has treated me pretty well thus far, so fingers crossed that this really is my year…

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

"Just put your paws off it, cause you were born this way baby"

A shout out to Lady Gaga for her inspirational song, Born This Way. My favorite lyric from the song (hence the title of this entry) is when she says "Just put your paws off it, cause you were BORN THIS WAY BABY". I think it is so important, more now than ever, that girls, women and even guys understand that God created you as you are for a reason. Own it, love it and embrace it. It's sad to see what people are willing to do to themselves, what they are willing to put themselves through to fit the image that the media tells us is the "it" way to be. Extreme diets, plastic surgery, buffing up on steroids. I myself have struggled with how I want to look, to match all the hollywood starlets who so many young girls admire. But you know what, I am who I am, and those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind. I truly believe that if there was a more positive and more realistic image of hollywood, or anywhere that people look to as a media source polluting their brains with false hopes of what beautiful is, that all the damage, both internally and externally would fade away. I read a quote the other day from the stunning Emma Stone that has turned into my new motto.

"I can't think of any better representation of beauty than someone who is unafraid to be herself". Amen Emma... Amen!

We need to love each other more, support each other more, encourage each other more and make this world a beautiful place, where people are free to be themselves without judgement. Let's make this happen. Give 3 compliments today, give someone a reason to smile, make someone else's day....Spread OneLove.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Go ahead... make my day!

I have discovered a great feeling, more lately than ever before and I love it. It's the feeling of complete happiness and  appreciation when someone that I don't know, a complete stranger makes my day. And its usually in a not so obvious way like holding the door for the person behind you, or when someone allows you to j-walk across the street. I have found myself with a giant smile on my face when having a conversation with someone who actually remembers my name, someone who I don't know very well, but has the respect to use my name when talking to me. Or when someone treats me, a stranger to them, with as much respect as they would someone they love. Several times a day I find myself saying, "he just totally made my day", or "she is my favorite". (I always say favorite for everything, even the tiny things). Today, specifically, I was all smiles when I was having a convo with a guy at work. He was extremely genuine in wishing me a great day and that made me feel awesome. It really is the small things that matter. Even when it comes to strangers. So my new goal... to try and make someone else's day, everyday! If I can give someone that warm and fuzzy feeling I get when someone makes my day, then why not pay it forward. If we all did that, don't you think this could be a world of ONE LOVE?

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

20 Questions About Me

One of my ALL TIME FAVORITE T.V. shows is One Tree Hill. I just adore that show, and have seen every single episode, probably more than once and it's safe to say that I know pretty much everything about that show. So speaking of OTH, I have recently learned that Bethany Joy Galeotti who plays Haley Scott and happens to be one of my favorite characters writes a blog... Well let me tell you I am just so in love with her blog. She partly inspired me to start this one, so because of that, I decided I would answer the famous 20 questions that she has asked her friends on her blog... here we go!

1. Were you named after anyone?
My middle name May, is my Grandma's middle name.

2. Do you like your own handwriting?
Not at all, every once in a while, I will see something I wrote and say "Wow my writing looks awesome here" but that doesnt happen very often. I have boyish, child writing.

3. What would your superpower be if you could choose one?
I would choose to be able to fly, or be a fly on the wall, and to be able to read minds... all combined into one MEGA power!

4. Are you an optimist or pessimist?
I am very optimistic and like to find the good in every situation, but of course everyone has those bad days were everything sucks, so my pessimistic side comes out.. but thats not very often.

5. What do you collect?
I don't really collect anything, but I would like to start, maybe old beautiful pictures or I would love it if I could afford to buy myself any pair of shoes I desired... I would definitely have an extensive collection.

6. What movie would your friends be surprised you liked?
Maybe something like Schindler's list... It's black and white and something so unfamiliar with our generation.

7. What are your favorite smells?
I love the smell of butter cooking, coffee in the morning, a babies fresh skin and water lillies. Oh, and mens cologne.. LOVE IT!

8. Coffee or Tea?
Coffee in the morning, tea to cuddle up and read or watch a good movie. I also love coffee when going on a road trip, or on a Sunday morning going to visit my Grandma.

9. Wine or Beer?
I have only recently started to like wine, so a girls night in, definitely wine. The only time you can find me drinking beer is camping or during stampede time!

10. What is the best thing you've ever eaten (Where)?
Chicken red and white. Its a pasta dish that has both alfredo and a red cause, not combined. It comes with the juciest, delicious chicken breat. They lay the chicken on the red sauce, and have penne noodles with the white sauce and covered with yummy mozzarella cheese.. YUM YUM! Its from a place in Hamilton, Ontario called Chicago Style Pizza! Never had better alfredo sauce anywhere else!

11. Mac or PC?
I dont have a MAC, so PC I guess. Whats the difference?

12. What are you listening to right now?
The news is in the background at work... Specifically Breakfast Television

13. What career would you pursue in another life?
If I could choose any career, I would love to see what being an actress would be like... being able to express myself in a whole new way... or a journalist, being able to travel all over the world and share my discoveries through pictures and of course writing.

14. What sound or noise do you love?
I love the sound of kids laughing, or a baby just learning how to use their voice. I also love the sound of a horse walking and soft nature sounds to go to sleep.

15. What sound or noise do you hate?
I HATE the sound of a loud car or motorcycle... drives me crazy, that and LOUD CHEWERS!!!

16. Mountains or Beach?
That's a tough one, I grew up an hour away from the stunning rockies and no matter how often I get the chance to go out to the mountains, they NEVER cease to amaze me, they get me everytime. But the beach, thats a whole other beauty and one that you don't see much of in Alberta, so when I get the chance to visit a tropical beach, I am in heaven, plus a beach usually comes with a tan... gotta love that!

17. Cook or bake?
Cook, I love cooking and eating so that works out perfectly.

18. Do you go to restaurants and movies by yourself?
I have never gone to a movie alone and I couldn't really picture myself doing that, but if I wanted to see a movie badly enough and nobody wanted to see it with me then I would go alone. Restaurants, well I eat lunch alone at work sometimes in the food court, does that count?

19. What is your favorite fairytale or childhood story?
I dont really have a favorite fairytale... I like them all because they all have a happy ever after. As for a story, I was never read this as a child, but I love giving it to expecting parents and reading it to my niece and nephews. It's called I'll love you forever by Robert Munsch.

20. What would you tell the 13 year old you?
I would tell her that there are some pretty bumpy rides ahead so buckle up and dont give up, because in the end, everything is gonna be okay. I would tell her to choose happiness even when its tough. I would tell her to have fun, make mistakes and learn from them. I would tell her that even though you dont always feel it, you are beautiful and one day someone is going to come along and give you your very own happy ever after!

So there it is, a little bit about me...

Monday, March 19, 2012

Good Girls & Douche-y Guys

What is it about the bad boys that girls like? And I don't mean bad as in behaviour, I mean bad for you. It wasn't until this weekend that I discovered exactly why us girls like the bad boys! In my experience, this bad boy happened to be extremely gorgeous, so there is problem number one. There is always something wrong with a guy that has a prettier face than yours. Problem number two; when the boy actually tells you he is bad news, that just screams drama... but yet, it doesn't seem like enough to turn me away, there was something enticing about him that kept my interest. So the bad boys are charmers, they say all the right things, they are overly sweet and everything about them screams perfect. Do they know they are doing this to us innocent girls who are just hoping that this one guy will actually be decent? What a refreshing change that would be. The bad boys are irresitible... its like they are a magnet for hopeless romantic girls just waiting for Mr.Right or Mr. Right Now ... but no she gets Mr. Douche Bag instead. So why is it that most of us girls just can't say no to these ever disappointing assholes? They keep throwing out the bait, and they reel us right in. Well ladies, I say the first sign you see that says DB... Walk away, dont let yourself fall for another guy who wants nothing more than a night with you in the sheets, or a piece of arm candy for the night. We are ALL better than that. With my experience over the weekend... I will give you a list of the typical bad guy...
1. Pretty face
2. Tells you he is bad news (seriously you would think that would have have been like sirens blaring...but no)
3. Resistant to give you any information about himself
4. Continuously sweet talks you and tells you everything you want to here
5. Asks for a compliment
6. Flirts with your friends right in front of you
7. Gets slapped by his "ex girlfriends" best friend.
8. Tries to get you to leave with him

There is much more that can be added to that list... but this was my St.Patty's day FAIL! Maybe if I were Irish I'd have more luck....


I have always wanted to start a blog but figured nobody would read it. I love writing, I love reading, so why not combine my two favorite things and write a blog that others can read? This blog is not soley related to a specific topic, it will be a little bit of this and a little bit of that. Whatever inspires me at the moment I guess. You will read a lot about love, relationships both romantic and not. You will read about life's hurdles, my own up's and down and much much more. This will be a place for me to rant, to express and to dream... so stay tuned for daily (I hope so atleast) entries from this down to earth, lovable and soulful chica!